IssueVoter Spotlight: Samir Ajy

Emmy Franz
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2023


Meet Samir Ajy, an Intern

Age: 21

Current Location: Atlanta, Georgia

What issues do you care about and how do they connect to your life?

Housing, Criminal Justice, Voting Rights, and Police Reform.

How do you balance life and civic engagement to live a civically engaged life?

Civic engagement is something I have been passionate about since I was in high school, so I make sure that I complete things considered to be priorities (schoolwork, personal health, etc.) to make sure I leave enough time for myself to devote to service/civic engagement.

Life moves fast, so does the news. How do you stay up to date and engaged with politics? (Besides IssueVoter of course!)

Primarily by either watching local news stations, such as WSB TV (Channel 2 Action News), or by reading various articles.

Why did you start using IssueVoter?

Trust in the American government and its institutions is as low as it’s ever been. This is due to the lack of transparency that exists between representatives and their voters. The mission of IssueVoter is to notify voters of what bills their representatives are voting for and how they are voting. It not only provides transparency, but it also gives voters a better idea of the type of candidate they would want to represent them. IssueVoter’s mission is what convinced me to start using it.

What is your favorite part of using IssueVoter?

It provides the opportunity for constituents to become more aware of what bills are being proposed and voted on every day in Congress. IssueVoter provides a great opportunity for a sense of faith and transparency to form between the American people and their elected officials.

What is your go-to podcast or newsletter?

New York Times

What people and/or organizations do you look up to, related to the issues you care about?

Fair Fight Action, Open Doors Atlanta, and the ACLU.

What is your favorite song about America?

“R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.” by John Mellencamp

What is your favorite quote?

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”- Martin Luther King Jr.

Complete this sentence… “A healthy democracy is…”

One in which every voice, belief, and idea has the opportunity to be represented, regardless of what their background and social/political circumstances/affiliations are.

Rapid Fire Questions!

How do you get your news?: Online News or Twitter

Online News

What do you enjoy more: Blogs or Podcasts


Morning News or Nightly News

Nightly News

How do you vote?: Absentee/Early or Election Day

Early Voting

IssueVoter Bill Alert or IssueVoter Score Card

IssueVoter Score Card

IssueVoter is a non-partisan platform that makes civic engagement accessible, efficient, and impactful. Stay up-to-date with legislation and make your voice heard! Sign up for IssueVoter to keep track of Congress from your inbox!

